Activity 2

Identify some signs and symbols used by people in your community which relate to the kind of role they are playing in society and the status which they occupy. For eg. the “mangalsutra” or gold necklace that your mother or wife or you may be wearing which denotes your/her married status. Write a note of one page on “Role Signs” and discuss it with other students.

A role is the expected pattern of behaviors associated with members occupying a particular position within the structure of the organization. Role signs are visible indications of the role.

  1. Like the mangalsutra denotes that the lady is married, a lady wearing sindoor also depicts that the lady got married recently. 
  2. Similar to the after marriage symbols wearing a ring in the ring finger symbolizes that the person is going to get married. Men wear rings in their right ring finger and women in their left ring finger. 
  3. The International Symbol of Access (ISA) is an internationally accepted symbol that denotes a place to be accessible for persons with special needs, especially wheelchair users. The symbol consists of a blue square with overlaid stick image of a person in a wheelchair.
  4. A common symbol used to represent the male sex is the Mars symbol ♂, a circle with an arrow pointing northeast.
  5. The Female Sign ♀ represents female birth sex and feminine gender identities and expressions. 
  6. The rainbow flag is a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and queer pride and LGBT social movements. Also known as the gay pride flag or LGBT pride flag, the colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community and the spectrum of human sexuality and gender.
  7. The weather symbols are symbols with which meteorologists show various atmospheric and natural conditions on special weather maps: temperature, wind, precipitation, or the percentage of cloud coverage of the sky.
  8. Uniforms are one of the most distinctive identifying features for any military force. The uniform not only differentiates civilians from military personnel, and between personnel of different militaries, it also engenders togetherness, conformity, and discipline among the personnel. 
  9. Scrubs: A protective garment designed to be worn by the doctor, nurse, and others in the operating room. 
