Activity 6

Activity 6 
Gender Today: Are Men Being Left Behind?

In the recent New York Times essay, "It has become increasingly hard for them to feel good about themselves." says Thomas Edsall reviewing a variety of research studies highlighting the plight of young men in America. When the term 'gender inequality' pops up all of us think about how men dominate the society and women are being left behind. Whenever someone asks us about the roles of a female we immediately say, " Women are the primary caretakers of children and elders in every country of the world." Due to this throughout the world people believe that women are falling behind in the society. But is that really how it is? Lets take a look from male perspective. 

Since the beginning men were considered superior because of which they were provided with more privileges. As decades passed, people started to believe in equality. They started supporting female birth, giving opportunities to women in every sector and families realized that a girl child is not a burden. Women began to excel in the opportunities they were provided with. According to many studies and researches, women are more sincere and mature than men which is one of the reasons they shine. Many a times we overlook inventors like Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking who have come up with ideas overcoming their personal problems. I feel that they have shown maturity in some way due to which they have achieved greatness. We are so engrossed in supporting women that we are overlooking men. 

All females have a mental image of how their partner should be, a tall and handsome man, 'a knight in shining armor' and they keep on looking till they find one. In this process, they never think of the men who get hurt because they are not 'perfect'. The society has prescribed a way in which every man should behave or look, but living in the 21st century I think we should realize that every man is perfect in their own way. I feel that we have been so focused with lifting up females that we have forgotten what equality is and that is why men are falling behind in the society.
