Activity 10

Identify four important functions of the family for society.

Families are essentially the building blocks of society. Family units serve as the nursery for the citizens that become the population of a society. In other words, families are responsible for the development of children into the adults will later collectively be society. As each of us in influenced and formed by our surroundings, so too is our society. Because society is a larger population, it may be harder to influence and change from singular events and yet it is a fluid thing that can be influenced for the good or the bad. Families are so important to society because they are the foundation society is built upon. The values of the families will be reflected in society at large. 

Biological and Psychological Functions:

  1. Reproduction: Reproduction provide the chance to give birth to the children. These children are the nucleus of society and perpetuates human race.
  2. Provision of Food, Housing and Clothing: Family provide its member the facilities and requirements of basic needs like food supply, house and clothing. These things are to be provided by the family to its members.
  3. Love and Affection: Love and affection for its members is necessary especially for children. The socialization of a child depends on love and affection which leads to personality development. If there is no love and affection, the children would be socially and mentally retarded. So, it is the basic institution which regulates these outstanding duties.
  4. Security: Security from all outside and internal dangers is necessary for its members. So, the shelter, Security and protection is provided to its members. 
  5. Religious aspects: Family plays an important part is developing the child's knowledge about religion. All family members follow their religious rites and rituals together which helps the children learn about their religion from the beginning of their life. They observe the ceremonies that take place at home and through them learn religious values. Family transmits religious beliefs and practices from one generation to another.
Economic and Social Functions:

  1. Division of Labour: The division of labour is given by family to its members according to their physical and mental abilities and capabilities.
  2. Arrangement of Income: In rural areas male arrange these activities for the fulfill mint of basic needs of the dependents while in urban female are educated and perform this duty. She may bring the daily use things for its members and save the money properly.
  3. Organization and care of Property: Most of the families have property is the form of cash money, farms or house. The equal distribution and care of this property is the fundamental role of family members.
  4. Socialization: It is the primary and basic school for a child to learn initial knowledge within it. It is the imparting place of knowledge and learning. Child socialization takes place within it and thus has personality can be developed. 
  5. Education: Family performs many educational functions for its members. As a primary source of education, family teaches children skills, numbers, helps develop language. It is a primary root of education and the children later on go to schools, colleges to develop their knowledge. It is said that the mother is the first teacher of the child. The mother teaches her child values like obedience, discipline also teaches her child manners. 
